Sep 24, 2019
Dr. Kauffman is a licensed psychologist with a PhD in counseling psychology from Stanford. She specializes in working with kids, teens and parents. We talk about the challenges of raising children in the digital age and the effects of technology on a developing brain.
FitMind Neuroscience-Based App:
Sep 17, 2019
Jevan earned a masters degree in Mind, Brain and Behavior Research, worked as a brain trainer and lived with indigenous Amazonian tribes. He wrote The Awakened Ape: A Biohacker's Guide to Evolutionary Fitness, Natural Ecstasy and Stress-Free Living.
FitMind Neuroscience-Based App:
Sep 10, 2019
Dr. Gackenbach is a dream researcher whose focus is lucid dreaming and other altered states of consciousness. She holds a Ph.D in Experimental Psychology and her most recent research focuses on video game players and the development of consciousness.
FitMind Neuroscience-Based App:
Sep 3, 2019
Richard Lang is the primary teacher of a popular meditation technique known as Headless Way. He was a close friend of Douglas Harding, the philosopher who first invented this method, and is also coordinator of UK charity Shollond Trust.
FitMind Neuroscience-Based App: